The Nand Logic Chameleon family of microprocessors are all 32-bit RISC processors optimized for embedded systems, and perfectly suited for FPGAs, MPSoCs, and ASIC technologies. Our processors are based on a six-stage pipeline, single-cycle execution architecture. The Chameleon architecture provides advanced hardware features that increase efficiency and instruction throughput. Features include high radix multiplication, execution block over clocking, parallel processing of floating point and fixed point instructions, and multipath data write back.
Designed specifically for deterministic real-time applications; it has been architected to empower developers to develop high-performance systems for a broad range of embedded environments. These environments include (but are not limited to): automotive systems, industrial control systems, wireless networking, robotics and sensor networks. Our processor delivers exceptional computational performance and fast system response time to peripheral driven events.
The Chameleon-QSIV processor is the most advanced embedded processor in our lineup. It was specifically architected to address high-end control, AI, IoT, and robotics markets that demand an efficient, high-performing controller. QSIV allows developers to implement algorithms based on advanced concepts found in machine learning, DSP, and control applications. Such applications include UAVs, autopilots for ground and water based platforms, automated manufacturing, intelligent robotic prosthesis, automotive suspension, brake and engine management systems, and space vehicle flight controls and communication systems.
Main unit that houses the electronics: